Dialog updates, scaling trouble, and starting menus

After a bunch of struggling with resolution (I still need to nail down exactly how the Pixel Perfect Camera is going to scale itself, which seems like it's going to be a struggle), I got everything at least looking different at 1x scale. I hadn't realized I'd been setting the dialog sprites at 0.5x, and then I forgot and wasted a bit of time trying to figure out why the new one didn't look like the old ones despite using the same 9-patch asset. Ugh.

I do think it's looking OK, though.

I've been playing with controller input as well. I did not realize the XBox controller reversed the A/B and X/Y positions compared the SNES controller... I guess that speaks to how out of touch I am with consoles. Unity solves that by referring to them as north, south, east, and west, which I think is an interesting way of addressing it. Though this makes me think about how I'm going to go about letting users set their controls, which... eh. Not really looking forward to that.

For now, though, I'm on menus. Dialog boxes are easy enough, just text with a few caveats. But now it's about getting selectable options in and wiring up arbitrary behaviors in response to selections. Expecting this to take a little while.

Also, at the moment, I'm generating the map tile references the client uses to pick sprites and just sticking them in a directory the client and server can both access. Obviously not going to fly. So, to give myself a server-side task to work on, I'm going to get hash checks and updated file send in place, so I can completely do away with the shared folder. Shouldn't be a very big deal, but it'll feel good.

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