Initial status, server and client

I started a devlog on TIGSource, so I'm going to keep this brief and then probably mirror posts from now on.

At the moment, the server handles basic authentication and processes messages (connections are made via websocket). It also generates reference JSON files for map tiles and maps (currently just a single test map, but I already have code elsewhere to generate random dungeons, so that'll just have to be translated from C# into Clojure).

The client is in Unity. Unity is just such, such a damn pain in the ass. The Linux builds are horrific with their crashes and bugs, even the LTS releases... it's incredibly frustrating, but it's still better than spending all my dev time in Windows, which makes my skin crawl.

This is the current state of things. Marvel at my brilliance!

The map is being built from JSON handed off from the server... well, generated by the server and put in a shared directory at the moment; soon I'll switch from that to sending current reference files on connection by hash comparison, but it's not much of a priority. What is a priority is getting the server set up not just to auth and accept messages but to start processing things like move requests and tracking world state so it can approve or deny actions, and getting the client set up to ask permission and revert in the case it's not allowed. That's what I'm working on now.

Since my ex stole my PS3 controllers on the way out years ago, I'm currently waiting on a budget controller I ordered. While I was previously always targeting mobile and web, I think this is going to be primarily for PC, unless people want to hook up controllers to their phones; it's unlikely anyone's ever going to play it anyway, so I'm just going for "this feels good to me." And I'm really, really looking forward to playing a game I made with a controller for some reason. :)

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